Sunday, November 28, 2010

Round and Round - Omotesando~Harajuku~Aoyama

Headed out to the major fashion districts of Tokyo with my friend. My main purpose was to check out 10 Corso Como by Comme des Garcon and the rookie brand, At Last&Co's official store in Aoyama. We started off by fetching lunch at a cafe located with in the newly opened furniture store Franc Franc. As you can see from the picture, its exterior is inspired by a warehouse.

青山、表参道、原宿エリアに行ってきました。ファッションの中心ですかね。主要目的は10コルソコモと新進気鋭のブランドAt Last&Coがオープンした初の店舗Timeworn Clothingの偵察。とりあえず、ランチを青山のFranc Franc内にあるカフェで済まし、店内をぶらぶらと。

warehouse like store in the middle of Aoyama
After getting lunch, we rambled along Aoyama for a while and headed to 10corso como. On the way, we encountered many futuristic boutiques, like Prada and Comme des Garcon. On the contrary, we also encountered traditional looking elementary schools on the same street. Tokyo is certainly a weird city. What caught my eye at 10 corso como was Thom Browne's kid's clothes. Sturdy, great fabric and has that "Thom Browne fee"l but, was unbelievably pricey.

お腹もいっぱいになったので、一路青山へ。最初に向かったのは10コルソコモ。特に目的の服はなかったのですが、先日このブログで述べたThom Browneキッズをチェックする事が出来ました。最高の素材、デザイン、そしてThom Browneぽさでしたが、値段が!!
10Corso Como 
We then walked around the center of Aoyama and came along a great bookstore near by Dries Van Noten, it was filled with fashion related books. It was the place to be! Found so many book that I would die for. Escaping from the core of Aoyama we headed to Timeworn Clothing located on the corner of route 246. This store started by a ex-Tenderloin member stock's its signature brand At Last&Co which is brand similar to Tenderloin but with a more vintage smell. I wanted to check out a pair of denim trouser from the same brand but didn't spot it and found that there was a fundamental problem. Their size only starts from 30inches.

青山の中心に場所を移動。ドリスヴァンノーテンの側にとんでもない洋書屋さんを発見しました。ファッション関係の本が所狭しに陳列された店はまさにパラダイス、欲しい本が沢山ありました。今度、買いに行きます。青山の中心地を抜け、Timeworn Clothingへ。場所は以外と分かりやすい所だったので一安心。元テンダーロインのメンバーが始めたブランドで、洋服はテンダーロインに似たシルエットですが、各所のディテールがヴィンテージを彷彿させる仕上がりでした。目的にして行ったデニムスラは見つからず、というか、サイズが30インチからなので、物があってもダメでした。一見の価値はあるお店でした。
Timeworn Clothing
After hitting, Kitson, Rugby, Marc by Marc Jacobs and Channel at Omotesando, we found ourselves in Montook a cafe located next to kiddy land. It's stylish and modern exterior does not resemble a cafe of any kind.

その後、一緒に行った友達と表参道へ。Kitson,Rugby, Marc by Marc Jacobs,そしてChannelと周り、疲れ果てた末に二度目のカフェタイムへ!キディーランドの隣にあるモントークにて、おいしいカプチーノを頂きました。

My friend, a macaron fanatic was craving to have a bite off macarons by Pierre Herme and so we headed off to Aoyama for them. I'm not so good with sweet stuff but, these macarons were delicious, we had a luxurious moment.

一息出来た後は友達の誘いで世界的に有名なマカロンを買いに再度青山方面へ。スィーツにはめっぽう疎い自分ですがPierre Hermeの名前を見てピンと来ました。単純にマカロン旨かったです。

Time flew so fast and I had to head off to Shinjuku to pick up my denim and to eat dinner with my friend from college. There was so much to explore in Aoyama district. I definitely need another session to check out more stores.


Song of the Day: Strip Steve - "You And I"

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