Wednesday, November 24, 2010

TIPS #1 - Laundry

Do you have specific ways to wash your clothes?? I mean did you ever wonder why you get that white fuzz on the top of your favorite shirt or sweater? or Your favorite shirt or t-shirt gets that tan?
There are numerous "how to" tips out in the world. I'm going to introduce a couple that I personally use.

I guess the most significant "how to" concerns denim. Everyone just adores denim and wants to have their denim "washed" in a certain way. I prefer to keep mine in a dark tone so, I try not to wash my denim frequently.

Try to keep your denim dark:
1) Try not to overly wash your denim.
2) Wash your denim inside out.
3) Don't use detergent or only use special denim detergent.
4) Never dry your denim in a dryer!! Always, dry in the sun.

This method also creates beautiful whiskers and variety in tone.

What about your shirt!? I guess this also depends on the person. Here's a tip or two to keep your favorite shirt from tanning and from being distressed.

1) Wash your shirt inside out. You sweat inside not out! Also prevents from tanning.
2) Use a stain remover or stain bar (soap bar looking one!) on the collar and cuffs
3) If you want to keep your shirt "extra white" use detergent specially made for washing white.
4) If your shirt is a dark tone, use detergent made for dark colors (also works with denim)
5) Again, don't use the dryer!! Using the dryer takes away the color from the fabric and gives that distinct white fuzzy-ness on the top layer.

I think your getting the basics by now. Sweaters goes like this.

1) Don't wash your knit sweater that often. It damages the fabric. When you must, go to the dry cleaners because their pro's. I recommend getting your sweaters done at Water Cleaning its a much better solution for your sweater.
2) At home, use the sink. Fill it with cool water and add special detergent made for wool fabrics.
3) Dip your sweater inside out for about 30mins.
4) Clear out the water in the sink and wash away the detergent thats soaked in the sweater.
5) Push out the water from the sweater. Never twist your sweater like a towel!
6) Lay your sweater on a dry towel and role it in so it takes away the water.
7) Finally, un-role the towel and lay the towel and sweater on a rack to dry.

Jackets, Suits & Top Coats:
1) Always use a brush to remove dust and other things that get on to your clothes.
2) Put it on a thick and sturdy hanger.
3) Before putting it back in the closet, leave it out for day to let it breath.
4) Bring it to the dry cleaners or water cleaning at the end of the season. Again, frequently is bad! 

I hope these tips will help out in anyway. I mean investing in new clothes every season is one thing but keeping your clothes preserved in a good manner will save you a bulk of money and extend the life of your favorite piece.

Song of the Day: Breakbot feat. Irfane - Baby I'm Yours

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